Learning and Wellbeing Programs
The development of the learning environment at Kurrun Primary School is guided by the Kurrun Primary School’s Learning and Wellbeing Framework.
Kurrun Primary School implements evidence-informed learning and wellbeing programs to support students in making high levels of growth, every day. High levels of learning and wellbeing are seen as being central to students becoming empowered and inspired interdependent contributors to their community.
Kurrun Primary School has developed a range of strategies to promote engagement, an inclusive and safe environment, positive behaviour, and respectful relationships for all students in our school. We recognise the importance of students developing a strong sense of school connectedness and belonging and maintaining a culture of inclusion in supporting high levels of engagement and wellbeing. We acknowledge that some students may need extra social, emotional or educational support at school, and that the needs of students will change over time as they grow and learn.
Kurrun Primary School is committed to providing a safe, orderly, supportive and stimulating learning environment that empowers and inspires students to become interdependent contributors to their community.
Kurrun Primary School will deliver Victorian Curriculum Levels F-10 (inclusive of Levels A-D). The school ensures student learning is personalised, student-directed and focussed on meeting student academic, social, emotional, physical and creative needs. Students engage in a broad range of learning opportunities that are planned and taught sequentially. The learning and teaching program is evidence-based, precise, high-quality and consistent across the school. This is supported by the embedding of ongoing professional cycles of inquiry into the impact of professional practice on student outcomes.
There are high expectations for all students and staff, and this is reflected in the feedback culture of the school. Students are continuously challenged and supported in their learning with a feature of student learning being student voice, agency and leadership. Student progress is continuously monitored at a whole-school, cohort, class and individual level. The information collected at each of these levels is used to provide feedback to staff and students on progress, inform future learning foci and evaluate the impact of practice on student outcomes.
To support high quality delivery of the curriculum at Kurrun Primary School we use a wide range of evidence-based assessments and educational resources to best meet the needs of our learners. We utilise suitable educational resources to enhance classroom learning and home learning opportunities. Our English as a second language students are supported through our EAL program.
Kurrun Primary School has developed a program that ensures all the learning areas are substantially address across the year levels and bands of schooling.
Kurrun Primary School’s F–Year 2 learning program provides:
- a structured teaching and learning program in English and Mathematics at each year level
- substantial attention to Health and Physical Education, The Arts and Personal and Social Capability
- a Language program (Auslan)
- a Science program
- an Inquiry program encompassing Humanities and Technologies.
Kurrun Primary School’s Year 3-4 learning program provides:
- a structured teaching and learning program in English, Mathematics and Science at each year level
- substantial attention to Health and Physical Education
- an Arts program, including all five Arts disciplines
- a Language program (Auslan)
- a Science program (including physics, chemistry and biology)
- an Inquiry program encompassing Humanities and Technologies.
Kurrun Primary School’s Year 5-6 learning program provides:
- a structured teaching and learning program in English, Mathematics and Science at each year level
- substantial attention to Health and Physical Education
- an Arts program, including all five Arts disciplines
- a Language program (Auslan)
- a Science program (including physics, chemistry and biology)
- an Inquiry program encompassing Humanities and Technologies.
Kurrun Primary School has developed a range of strategies to promote engagement, an inclusive and safe environment, positive behaviour, and respectful relationships for all students in our school. We recognise the importance of students developing a strong sense of school connectedness and belonging and maintaining a culture of inclusion in supporting high levels of engagement and wellbeing. We acknowledge that some students may need extra social, emotional or educational support at school, and that the needs of students will change over time as they grow and learn.
A summary of the universal (whole of school), targeted (year group specific) and individual engagement strategies used by our school is included below:
- High and consistent expectations of all staff, students and parents and carers
- Prioritise positive relationships between staff and students, recognising the fundamental role this plays in building and sustaining student wellbeing
- Creating a culture that is inclusive, engaging and supportive and that embraces and celebrates diversity and empowers all students to participate and feel valued
- Welcoming all parents/carers and being responsive to them as partners in learning
- Analysing and being responsive to a range of school data such as attendance, Attitudes to School Survey, parent survey data, student management data and school level assessment data
- Teachers at Kurrun Primary School use an instructional framework to ensure an explicit, common and shared model of instruction to ensure that evidenced-based, high yield teaching practices are incorporated into all lessons
- Teachers at Kurrun Primary School adopt a broad range of evidence-based teaching and assessment approaches to effectively respond to the diverse learning strengths and needs of our students and follow the standards set by the Victorian Institute of Teaching
- Our school’s Statement of Values and School Philosophy are incorporated into our curriculum and promoted to students, staff and parents so that they are shared and celebrated as the foundation of our school community
- Carefully planned transition programs to support students moving into different stages of their schooling
- Positive behaviour and student achievement is acknowledged in the classroom, and formally in school assemblies and communication to parents
- Monitor student attendance and implement attendance improvement strategies at a whole-school, cohort and individual level
- Students have the opportunity to contribute to and provide feedback on decisions about school operations through the Student Representative Council and other forums including year group meetings and class meetings. Students are also encouraged to speak with their teachers, Professional Learning Team Leader, Assistant Principal and Principal whenever they have any questions or concerns.
- Create opportunities for cross-age connections amongst students through a buddy program
- Welcome students to self-refer to the Professional Learning Team Leaders, Assistant Principal and Principal if they would like to discuss a particular issue or feel as though they may need support of any kind. We are proud to have an ‘open door’ policy where students and staff are partners in learning
- We engage in school wide positive behaviour support with our staff and students, which includes programs such as:
- Respectful Relationships
- Bully Stoppers
- Zones of Regulation
- Programs, incursions and excursions developed to address issue specific needs or behaviour (i.e. anger management programs)
- Opportunities for student inclusion (i.e. sports teams, clubs, recess and lunchtime activities)
- Measures are in place to empower our school community to identify, report and address inappropriate and harmful behaviours such as racism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination or harassment.
- Each year group has a Professional Learning Team Leader, a teacher responsible for their year, who monitors the health and wellbeing of students in their year, and acts as a point of contact for students who may need additional support
- Koorie students are supported to engage fully in their education, in a positive learning environment that understands and appreciates the strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture
- Our English as a second language students are supported through our EAL program, and all cultural and linguistically diverse students are supported to feel safe and included in our school
- We provide a positive and respectful learning environment for our students who identify as LGBTIQ+ and follow the Department’s policy on LGBTIQ Student Support
- All students in Out of Home Care are supported in accordance with the Department’s policy on Supporting Students in Out-of-Home Care including being appointed a Learning Mentor, having an Individual Learning Plan and a Student Support Group (SSG) and being referred to Student Support Services for an Educational Needs Assessment
- Students with a disability are supported to be able to engage fully in their learning and school activities in accordance with the Department’s policy on Students with Disability, such as through reasonable adjustments to support access to learning programs, consultation with families and where required, student support groups and individual education plans
- Wellbeing and health staff will undertake health promotion and social skills development in response to needs identified by student wellbeing data, classroom teachers or other school staff each year
- Staff will apply a trauma-informed approach to working with students who have experienced trauma
Kurrun Primary School implements a range of strategies that support and promote individual engagement. These can include:
- Building constructive relationships with students at risk or students who are vulnerable due to complex individual circumstances
- Meeting with student and their parent/carer to talk about how best to help the student engage with school
- Developing an Individual Education Plan and/or a Behaviour Support Plan
- Considering if any environmental changes need to be made, for example changing the classroom set up
- Student Support Groups
- Referring the student to:
- School-based wellbeing supports
- Student Support Services
- Appropriate external supports such as council based youth and family services, other allied health professionals, headspace, child and adolescent mental health services or ChildFirst
Kurrun Primary School is committed to providing the necessary support to ensure our students are supported intellectually, emotionally and socially. The Student Wellbeing team plays a significant role in developing and implementing strategies to help identify students in need of support and enhance student wellbeing. Kurrun Primary School will utilise the following information and tools to identify students in need of extra emotional, social or educational support:
- Personal, health and learning information gathered upon enrolment and while the student is enrolled
- Attendance records
- Academic performance
- Observations by school staff such as changes in engagement, behaviour, self-care, social connectedness and motivation
- Attendance, detention and suspension data
- Engagement with families
- Self-referrals or referrals from peers
- Feedback and formal reports from allied health providers