Our Kurrun Primary School was designed with comfort and flexibility in mind. Students can be active and engage in all sorts of activities, whilst proudly representing the school.
School uniforms can be purchased from Noone and their staff can advise on which branded items are required and which can be sourced generically through any clothing store. More information on the uniform and its guidelines can be found in our Kurrun Primary School Student Dress Code Policy.
State Schools’ Relief
Families experiencing difficulty meeting uniform costs are encouraged to contact the school for information about eligibility for uniform support through State Schools’ Relief. Further information about State Schools’ Relief can be found here or through their website: www.ssr.net.au.
Noone Contact Details
Phone 03 5929 8201
Email officer@noone.com.au
Address Shop 6, 45 Siding Avenue, Officer VIC 3809
Trading Hours
Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 1:00pm
Sunday and Public Holidays CLOSED